When it comes to kits I’m obsessed; they’re super handy and they just save so(ooo) much time, space and effort - like everything is in one place at one time. Perfect or what? If you’re in school, college or university I think kits are an absolute essential, so I’ve picked my top 3 faves - but that’s not the end of it, oh no, I’ve only picked products which you can save on by using your UNiDAYS discount! It’s time to get your shop on.
The fast food essentials kit
Now, why is it that when we’re in desperate need of a plaster or a tissue we can never, ever find them? Either you don’t have them, or they are hidden somewhere your bag (or what seems to be Mary Poppins’ bag), nightmare! Well, you’re in luck because I’ve found the ultimate kit containing everything you need - it’s the Fast Food Essentials Kit from ASOS. Can we just take a second to appreciate how amazing it looks? Not only does it contain a loada’ plasters, tissues and vanilla scented wipes, but it’s covered (and I mean covered) in burgers, fries and milkshakes. So, basically you can be the coolest kid on the block - I’m sold.
The emergency beauty kit
Personally I think beauty kits are a girl’s best friend (after chocolate that is) - if you’ve got a kit you’re covered for all situations, and this Emergency Beauty Kit that I spotted on Urban Outfitters is no exception! It has everything you could possibly need: hair ties; lip balm; a nail file; hair pins; nail varnish remover pads and more - plus you get a snazzy lil’ bag to keep it all in, bonus! You could add a couple of your personal essentials too, like your nail colour of the day, so if you get a chip you can quickly wipe it off and apply a fresh coat. Ah, this means no more chipped nails, chapped lips or chaotic stray hairs. What a dream, well done Urban Outfitters.
The mini gym kit
Whilst I was browsing on Urban Outfitters I came across this little beaut - a mini gym kit. This kit is focused on the hygiene-ey side of going to the gym, as you’re bound to get a bit of a sweat on, and of course, without being too TMI, sweat isn’t the most pleasant of things. With this kit you get 10 and body wipes, and some muscle gel - hell to the yes, muscle gel is legit the best thing after a workout! Like the beauty kit, you can pop a couple of your post-gym must haves into the bag to make it your own. I’m in love with this kit, I just think it will make that after-gym grossness feeling a million times better. See, I told you kits were awesome!
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